Thursday, 13 February 2014

D1- Review a recent advance in support systems technology

In this blog, I am going to cover IT support use control software. Also I will be covering the advantages and disadvantages for IT support use control software. In addition to this I will be explaining options such as Impero, net support and net op. Control software is a program that helps to control computers users movement on a computer system or network.

The advantages of IT support use of control software are that teachers are able to get an idea on what the students are on in school. It is easier for teachers to send students websites to go rather than students making mistakes as they have not heard what the teacher has said about what websites to go. In addition to this teachers can easily block and record data that is being used on the internet by students which is unacceptable. For security reasons IT support use of control software is important to have because dangerous activities such as cyberbullying could be going on the computer system or network.
The disadvantages of IT support use of control software are that privacy is very limited as students or organisation employees who are being watched on their computer system or network that they are using. Students cannot take control of their computers when teachers have control of their computer system or network. In addition to this students lose a lot of power in many ways, examples can be students lose control of their computer system or network as the teacher is checking what the student is doing. This is a disadvantage because students don’t have a choice of being monitored on the computer system or network.  Also students lose valuable time when teachers take control of their computer system or network as the teacher could take control of the student’s computer system or network for couple of minutes or even more.

When a teacher is checking a student’s computer system or network it can be very slow. Also private information can get leaked very quickly by the person who is checking the student or an employees computer system. The person checking the computer system may leak the private information for security reasons and respectable reasons. However the person could leak the private information for dangerous purposes that they might get credit for. The disadvantage of this is that people and organisations do not want their personal and private information being leaked and publicised.

Impero is a software that allows to check other computer users. Impero offers a range of network management software solutions for a lot of organisations around the world such as schools. The advantages of Impero are that organisations such as schools will benefit from having Impero as the software allows teachers to block or report an incident that is unacceptable. Also allows teachers to help students effectively by showing the students what websites to go on making it easier for the teacher and the student no to waste time looking for the website that the teacher has said to the students to go on. The disadvantages of Impero are that privacy is limited in organisations such as schools. As the privacy is limited, people will feel insecure and not pleased about the software being used. Also private information could get leaked making the person who is a victim of their private information being leaked very angry and disappointment in the organisation for using this software.

Net support is an education based- classroom software allowing teachers to monitor, instruct and manage what the students do on the computer system or network. The advantages of Net support are that the software only focuses on education making it easier for schools to adapt using this software. Also making the process of using this software easy to use for schools for the reason of reducing hassle when using this software. The disadvantages of Net support are that the software is education based only making other organisations left out as they might want to use this software because the software might appeal to other organisations in different ways. Also students will feel vulnerable as teachers can see what they are doing on a computer system or network and the teachers can mange what students do making students lose power over their computer system or network that they are using.

Net OP is educational based software that allows schools to monitor classroom activities on a computer system or network.The advantages of Net Op are that it is educational based software designed for schools only. This is a benefit because the software will have what schools wants from educational based software. This software will make the process of using this software easy to use for schools for the reason of reducing hassle when using this software.The disadvantages of Net Op are that the software is education based only making other organisations left out as they might want to use this software because the software might appeal to other organisations in different ways. Also Net op is a software that students will not be very pleased about being used in their schools. 

The similarities between impero, net support and net op are that they all are software’s that can be used in schools. Also all of the softwares monitor and manage students’ performance on a computer system or network.
The differences between impero, net support and net op are that all of the software’s are not educational based programmes as impero can be used in other organisations as well as education. Also one software is not used in the UK as they only sale the program in Denmark, United States, Switzerland, China and Romania. This software that does not provide a program for the UK is net op.

My opinion on control software is that it can be beneficial for many reasons however it can be dangerous and unpleasant for many reasons such as privacy and private information being leaked. There are positives with having control software in many organisations such as schools because schools benefit from control software’s a lot. In addition to this control software’s have a lot of advantages that would be beneficial for organisations. My opinion is that control software is worth the money for an organisation such as a school because it benefits the school in many ways for example teachers can help students by using the control software.

In conclusion I have discussed about control software and the advantages and disadvantages of having IT support use of control software. Also I have discussed about programs there are such as impero, net support and net op. In addition to this I have explained my opinion on control software and if the software is worth the money that an organisation has to pay for to get the program.   
